
Following Alterac's betrayal WOW Gold

During the Second War, Gilneas was more notable for its hatred of the Horde and willingness to fight their invaders if they came to Gilneas than for any real help they gave. Following Alterac's betrayal of the Alliance and the subsequent deposing of the Perenolde family, Greymane even considered annexing the neighboring land to his Buy WOW Gold own nation, as did Thoras Trollbane of Strom. While Greymane supported Lord Davar Prestor when he made his claim on the nation, after his sudden disappearance, so did Greymane's interest in the whole affair.
  Eventually, disputes with King Terenas Menethil of Lordaeron and a growing desire to have Gilneas look to its own affairs led to the nation's dropping out of the Alliance following the Second War. Following that decision, and seeing the continued existance of the orc invaders as a threat, Genn decided the best way to protect his people was to isolate them entirely from both external threats and supposed allies that demanded more of Gilneas' resources than they contributed.
  And so the Greymane Wall was constructed. The wall was effectively a physical manifestation of the general isolationist bent of the leadership of the nation, although it was far from wholly embraced. Many Gilneans had land and possessions outside the wall in the Silverpine Forest bordering Lordaeron and were not happy to see their farms and estates cut off from the rest of their nation.
  The great grey wall of Gilneas
  While this decision led to civil uprest and may even have led to a small famine if not for the efforts of Gilneans like Celestine of the Harvest using nature magics to counteract the food shortages (thus proving Gilneas was not as self-sufficient as Greymane WOW Gold liked to think), King Greymane failed to anticipate just how deeply some of his own people opposed his decision. Not only did the Gilneas Brigade defect wholesale from Gilneas (eventually joining Jaina Proudmoore on the trip to Kalimdor), but Greymane's old friend Darius Crowley eventually led an open rebellion against the king and his policies of isolation. As Darius has many connections in Silverpine, it's possible that some of the villages there like Pyrewood were either his holdings or those of his family, thus meaning that Genn personally injured him when he sealed the wall and closed Gilneas' ports, as he did the various merchant fleets and even pirates he trapped in Gilneas.

